Does your company have core values?

Here are Printable's 6 core values:

✨Be resourceful, dependable and continuously learning
✨Do whatever it takes with minimal direction
✨Be efficient and responsive to customer requests
✨Take an active role in the company
✨Take personal responsibility
✨Have fun and show passion

To help reinforce these core values and build culture, each quarter we ask team members to nominate a co-worker that has best exhibited our 6 core values over the past 90 days.

We then read those nominations out loud at our monthly company meeting and all team members vote on the winner.

The winner receives an Amazon gift card and gets to place his/her/their name on a traveling trophy that symbolizes our office theme for the year... for example, one year our office theme was “Movies” and the traveling trophy was the stuffed dog wrapped in bandages from “Something about Mary”.

To continue the fun, the following month at our company meeting anyone who was nominated for the core values award winner gets to spin a prize wheel filled with gifts ranging from gift cards from Amazon to Target to Chipotle to a mystery prize.

Frankly, sometimes core values can just be lip service.

But if you integrate them into your business processes and recognize team member efforts to “live” those core values they can become an important part of your company’s culture!

Mitch Silver

Nationally-recognized expert in targeted branded merch. I suggest quality, "stealable" swag for marketers to tell their brand stories & build emotional connections. Also, my DAD jokes could make you laugh. Or groan.


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