A T-Shirt, a Stranger, and a Connection

Guster T Shirt

Yesterday, while leaving work, I passed by someone wearing a Guster T-shirt.

For those of you who do not know who Guster is, they are an alt-rock band formed by three students at Tufts University in the 90s.

Adam, Ryan and Brian have put out some really great music since then but despite being one of my faves, they generally never made it really, really big (I hope I don’t get any hate mail from Guster fans or Ryan himself!)

So, you can imagine my delight when I passed by someone who shared my love for an “off the beaten path” band, like Guster.

To steal a phrase from Adam Bluestein, a columnist for Marker, who recently wrote an amazingly well-researched article titled "How Supreme-Style Merch Drops Took Over Corporate America" that simple Guster T-shirt became a “tribal signifier” for me.

McDonald’s hit it big with chicken nugget pillows and their Travis Scott merch.

Dunkin’ is killing it with their colorful Charlie D'amelio Dunkin’ sweats. 

Much like the band t-shirt can help form an instant connection with someone, so can a Peloton hoody.

Or KFC Crocs.

Or Tesla tequila (it’s a real thing!)

Younger folks may not have the same fond memories of spending $40 on a t-shirt at their first Journey concert in 1981 (!), but they do have their own memories of scoring a Stouffer’s mac and cheese hoody or being lucky enough to snag a KFC firelog that smells like 11 herbs and spices…

For me the connection was a band.

For them the connection is a brand.

Even during the pandemic, while both wearing masks, I was able to spot someone wearing a Guster T-shirt.

And for just a brief moment, in our socially distanced world, I felt a real connection.


Want to have that connection too? Feel free to click the button below.

Mitch Silver

Nationally-recognized expert in targeted branded merch. I suggest quality, "stealable" swag for marketers to tell their brand stories & build emotional connections. Also, my DAD jokes could make you laugh. Or groan.


Pouches for Tech Accessories and Dare I say, Travel?


NFC and Promo Merch