We are Bloggers

bum ba dum bum bum bum bum

Marketing Mitch Silver Marketing Mitch Silver

“I want to offer gift choices to my (fill-in-the-blank)”

I hear this a lot from my clients.

My solution? Create a Pick-A-Gift shop!

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New Hire Welcome Kits
Marketing Mitch Silver Marketing Mitch Silver

New Hire Welcome Kits

When you’re sending a welcome kit to a remote employee, the right merch can send a very powerful message.

Products in the kit should be on-brand for your organization AND things your new team member will be excited to receive (and post about!)

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New exciting merch!
Merch Trends Stacie Harshbarger Gass Merch Trends Stacie Harshbarger Gass

New exciting merch!

Here are a few of the very impressive items we saw at our most recent vendor visit with Sweda! They definitely have some cool, new drinkware options for summer with plenty of exciting ways to decorate them! Which is your fav?

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The 5 R’s
Merch Trends Mitch Silver Merch Trends Mitch Silver

The 5 R’s

“What's hot in branded merchandise these days?”

I get this question a lot from family, friends and clients. I think they want to hear what the latest widget, gadget or do-dad is.

But really, what is trendy, popular and hot these days is not ONE product, but the “in” items are falling into what I call: “THE 5 R’S”

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