ChatGPT + Rapping Puppets

Are you using ai in your business? It seems to be the thing to do these days.

I thought I would give it a go, so I asked ChatGPT to help me describe the screen printing process for our clients. But I added a twist: it had to be from the perspective of the shirt that was being printed. And in the form of a rap song.

The resulting rhyme was too good to simply post as text. This song MUST be professionally recorded, and a music video made. With puppets, of course. Can’t forget the puppets.

With my boss’s credit card in hand, and the internet at my fingertips, I made it happen.

You’re welcome! * bows with a flourish *

After watching the video, if you’re feeling the urge to have some apparel screen printed (or embroidered), might I suggest browsing our Summer Style Guide for ideas. Let us know when you’re ready to get started.


Merch Pitch - Mr Robot Edition


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