Giving Voice to your Team

Do your quieter team members have a voice in your organization?

Last year the Printable team visited "The Office Experience" where the world of the TV show comes to life.

Check out this super cool graphic of total lines spoken by each character:

Question: For all the Creeds, Merediths and Stanleys in our organizations, how can we do a better job of giving them a voice?

Here are a few things that seem to work for us at Printable:

💎 In advance of a department meeting say, “Hey, at our upcoming meeting, we will be talking about X, I’d really like your opinion. I’m hoping you can share your thoughts with the group.”

💎 Ask for input on general topics on which every role would have an opinion: e.g., “One of our initiatives for Q2 is to strengthen relationships with our top 25 clients. What suggestions do you have?”

💎 Pretend you are doing an exit interview. Ask general input questions like:

“In your opinion what are two things that need to happen for our company to continue growing?”

“If the management team left unexpectedly and you were put in charge, what are the first 3 things you would add, remove or change?“

If you make efforts to with your team’s Creeds, Merediths and Stanleys, you might find that those quieter team members have a whole lot to offer!

Mitch Silver

Nationally-recognized expert in targeted branded merch. I suggest quality, "stealable" swag for marketers to tell their brand stories & build emotional connections. Also, my DAD jokes could make you laugh. Or groan.

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