Knowing the “WHO?”

Do you know your client’s "who"?

“I’m looking to spend $5 per item and need about 500 of something. What ideas do you have for me?”

Does this directive sound familiar?

Sure, all of us in the merch space could probably spout off a dozen product ideas to this client request.

But if you don’t ask (at least) one more question, you are doing your client a disservice.

The question?

“Who is this gift for?”

Or put other ways:

Tell me a bit about who is receiving these gifts?

What are the demographics of your “ideal” customer?

Tell me about your target audience.

Simply asking any of these questions will help you reverse engineer your recommendations.

We need to make sure that what we are selling is as effective as possible to move our clients’ target audience to action.

BIG BONUS: You instantly move from product salesperson to trusted marketing advisor.

As I always tell my clients:

“My job is to help you find a product that is memorable, functional (and stealable!) and best tells your brand story!

The more I know about your project, the better my product reccs will be…

I take my job seriously (but not too seriously, it is branded merch after all 😊)

Mitch Silver

Nationally-recognized expert in targeted branded merch. I suggest quality, "stealable" swag for marketers to tell their brand stories & build emotional connections. Also, my DAD jokes could make you laugh. Or groan.

Fab FIVE, Brittany!


Finish the Lyrics: I WANT