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Finding the RIGHT Merch!
Last year I was interviewed by Promotional Products Business (PPB) Magazine.
In that article I talked about how branded merch is uniquely valuable in that it creates an unrivaled level of excitement for those on the receiving end (and even a thank you -- take that digital advertising!)

Memory Makers!
Attention Marketers: Branded merch are not just things.
They are memory makers.
We’ve all heard the names:
Promotional Products
Branded Merch
But what about: Memory Makers?

Promo Products OR Branded Merch?
Words matter.
How we in the promo space talk about what we do for a living can influence how others view our industry as a whole.

Knowing the “WHO?”
Do you know your client’s "who"?
“I’m looking to spend $5 per item and need about 500 of something. What ideas do you have for me?”
Does this directive sound familiar?

Leave a Lasting Impression with Merch Collections
Branded merchandise is an important piece of any promotion, and if done right, you’ll be sure to leave a lasting impression on your target audience.

Our 2022 Holiday Cards
Our 2022 “Holiday Cards” did not disappoint!

Return on Engagement
Everyone talks about R.O.I. But what about R.O.E.?
In my swag world, R.O.I. means Return on Investment.

Great Things Start from Small Beginnings
Have you ever flown Southwest Airlines?
If you have, chances are you were handed one of these napkins with your in-flight drink.

How to be the World’s Best boss?
Attention HR Folks, business leaders and entrepreneurs:
Are you the World’s Best Boss? (tip of the cap to Michael Scott).

“I want to offer gift choices to my (fill-in-the-blank)”
I hear this a lot from my clients.
My solution? Create a Pick-A-Gift shop!

How Branded-Merch Boosts Morale
HR Folks: Is it possible to stem the tide of “quiet quitting” with high-end branded merch?

Choose Your Brand’s Reputation
“I just need something cheap to giveaway at an event”.
I scratch my head when a client says this to me.
I have to remind them that their reputation is on the product we choose to represent their brand.

NO to Cash or Gift Cards this Holiday Gifting
HR Professionals: Please don’t give cash or gift cards to employees during Q4!
I think we all can agree that in this current economic climate its harder than ever to find and retain top talent.
So, it’s easy to think that a gift card or cash appreciation gift would be part of the retention elixir.
Are You Procrastinating?
Procrastinators raise your hand!
If you find yourself behind the 8-Ball when it comes to year-end gifting to employees, clients, prospects and referral sources, I have some good news!

Holiday Orders
It’s beanie season and those holiday orders are rolling in!

Face palm!
I may have failed.
If the branded merch I sell to my clients ends up in a landfill or is left behind in a hotel room after an event, I have failed.

Merch with Purpose
Branded Merch, Promo Items, Swag... it goes by many names and is sometimes dismissed as cheap items destined for the landfill.

Top 5 Employee Holiday Gifts
Attention HR Folks with responsibility for year-end gifting:
Here are 5 products I think will make great employee holiday gifts:

OGIO Mercur Backpack
If anyone on the team can be critical and analytical about a product, it's our resident shopaholic, Brittany!

Magic Mark the MERCH-gician Will Amaze You w/ this Speaker!
At his core, Magic Mark the Merch-gician is a man of the people, and the people want more. More cool merch, more magic, and more... speaker.