Leave a Lasting Impression with Merch Collections

Branded merchandise is an important piece of any promotion, and if done right, you’ll be sure to leave a lasting impression on your target audience.

One way to leave a lasting impression is through merchandise collections.

The best collections are made from a variety of products that are useful and tastefully branded, with a key theme and color palette tying each piece together.

Marketing your brand through a cohesive collection of merch will set you apart, keeping you differentiated in a sea of sameness.

Consider making this Mod collection part of a whimsical multi-part touch point campaign.

A) Start with a less expensive item, like the accessory pouch or drawstring backpack, and try some musical messaging such as:
“I tried to put a new bag in my bin, but it kept saying, "NO, NO, NO”

B) Then send out the journal/notebook with a Dad joke such as:

“Why did the folk singer bring a notebook to the battle of the bands?”

He heard that paper beats rock.

C) And then end the campaign by sending the Mod Cooler Backpack and quote Mike Posner “You probably think you are cooler than me!”

Each product should be strategically distributed throughout the life of your campaign to ensure your brand stays top of mind.

To make the most of your marketing budget, make branded merchandise collections like this Mod Collection a core part of your overall marketing strategy


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