3 Tips for Engaging Remote Teams with Branded Merch

Printable branded merch

Remote workers can feel disconnected and alone. Incorporating merch in your team-building efforts brings a physical element into a digital relationship.

Here are my top 3 tips for keeping remote teams engaged with branded merch

1: Consider the message first. Logo second.

Choose products and build artwork around your team’s goals, your mission statement, and your brand story. Create a theme for your program, and come up with a rallying cry!

How do you want them to feel when they receive it? What do you want them to think of each time they see it?

Now, I'm not saying you can never simply drop your logo onto a travel mug again. There’s a time and a place for everything. But always consider the impact of the entire package you’re sending.

This is an investment…you want it to work for you!

2: Understand your team’s preferences

If you’re not sure what to buy for your staff, there are a few sure-fire ways to find out. The first, and best method:

Ask them! (See Pop-Up Shop tip below.)

Our advice is to get some general suggestions from them as to what they would like to see. We can then work with you to source those items. You’re free to get their input through the art and design process as well…if you’re not sure, they will be!

Creative tip: Let employees choose “mystery” gifts based on lifestyle themes. For instance, you could ask them to choose between the Outdoorsy Box, the Foodie Box, or the Zen Box. They don’t know the specific items they’re getting, so it will still be a surprise, but it will be something they’ll enjoy.

3: Make virtual meetings more interactive

Here are some examples:

  • When you send out the new team t-shirts, include an invitation to model them at the next Zoom meeting, with prizes for “Who wore it best” or “most creative styling”.

  • Start a trend: whenever you see someone drinking out of a team mug on a video call, everyone tries to guess what’s in it.

  • Send an Experience in a Box that includes snacks, to be opened during a meeting so everyone can eat together (this is great for longer presentations!)

  • PRO TIP: Consider a pop-up shop to let employees choose the items they want

What else have YOU done to engage remote workers? I'm always looking for new ideas!


Do you already have in mind for your remote teams? Or you wanna browse more? Just hit the button below.

Mitch Silver

Nationally-recognized expert in targeted branded merch. I suggest quality, "stealable" swag for marketers to tell their brand stories & build emotional connections. Also, my DAD jokes could make you laugh. Or groan.


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