Marketing you can touch

Last year, my daughter and I took a trip to Vegas for a Lionel Richie concert.

Musically, I am still stuck in 1984 and it's rubbed off on my kids. It was her suggestion to someday see Lionel Richie. Really.

In case you were wondering, the show was amazing (his voice still holds up and he knows how to command a crowd!)

While in Vegas we decided to explore some other curiosities and went to the Luxor to check out the Titanic artifact exhibition and the Bodies exhibit.

The Titanic attraction is an immersive, sprawling exhibit featuring over 250 artifacts recovered from the Titanic shipwreck. Two of the coolest things we saw were a highly detailed miniature version of the ship and an actual piece of the Titanic’s hull (wow!)

The Bodies exhibit featured 13 preserved human bodies & 260 organs displayed in an educational context. Creepy but really cool (not for the squeamish)!

As you can imagine because of the fragility and value of the artifacts in both exhibits, there were "Please Do Not Touch" signs everywhere!

This "do not touch" requirement is the exact opposite approach for the swag we suggest at Printable Promotions to our clients each and every day!

What makes promotional products so popular is that they are tangible. We ENCOURAGE touching!

Something about this "touch" connection is magical.

As consumers we have learned to ignore most forms of advertising but the advertiser recall rate for swag is a record 85% for some products!

There is something unique about receiving a physical item that you can touch, feel and actually use that far exceeds the impact of a TV commercial or search ad.


What branded merchandise have you received lately that made you want to touch it “All Night Long”? (Lionel would be proud of me 😊)

Mitch Silver

Nationally-recognized expert in targeted branded merch. I suggest quality, "stealable" swag for marketers to tell their brand stories & build emotional connections. Also, my DAD jokes could make you laugh. Or groan.

Spooky Season with Refresh Glass!


Wings of Mexico w/ the PRINTABLE Team