How Wordle Relates to Brand Merch
Wordle has sent the internet into a state of madness this year. Wordle has taken over the world. Here’s how Wordle relates to branded merch, MY world:
In case you have been living underneath a boulder, Wordle is a fun, simple daily word puzzle that, like a crossword, can only be played once a day (it’s free, on the New York Times Website)
Over 400,000 people play it daily, according to The New York Times.
Here are two tiny Wordle details and how they relate to the world of branded merch:
1: Everyone is playing the exact same puzzle. This is crucial, as it makes it easier to be social and taunt your family or buddies about the day's puzzle. "How many guesses did it take you?" "Today's was TOUGH!" "What does that word mean anyway?"
As Adam Bluestein wrote in his amazingly well-researched article "How Supreme-Style Merch Drops Took Over Corporate America" branded merch acts a tribal signifier. It could be a printed t-shirt for a band, a piece of Starbucks drinkware or a pair of Dunkin' Charlie D'amelio sweatpants!
Swag brings people together.
2: There's only one puzzle per day: You only get one daily shot at the Wordle. If you mess up, you have to wait until tomorrow for the next puzzle.
We have been setting up Pop-Up Shops for our clients to allow their employees to select branded merch as an appreciation gift. These shops have limited open windows – redeem your coupon code or don’t select your Pick-A-Gift item in time and the limited-time offer window closes. (Ok, maybe that one was a stretch).
These days, we are all craving shared experiences—something that brings us together.
Both Wordle and branded merchandise have that magical power!