The Resurrection of QR Codes

Mitch Silver with Charlie's RSVP QR Card

I don’t know about you, but I thought QR codes died a few years ago. Because you needed a special app to scan the codes, they were clunky to navigate causing friction-filled interactions.

But along came the pandemic and fueled by a desire for touchless transactions, QR codes were resurrected from the dead.

Restaurants have adopted them en masse as menu replacement and it seems like you can’t turn your head without seeing a code splashed all over retail packaging, direct mail, even billboards.

We even used a QR code to direct invitees to our son’s party to a website to capture RSVPs!

The other day, I was standing on the train platform and a billboard 20 yards away had a QR code. I took out my phone, opened up the camera and pointed it at the advertisement and…voila! I was redirected to a web page for that brand.

To be fair, QR codes are now easier to use since phones can now use for their cameras to recognize the codes, spreading the technology more widely.

At Printable, we have seen a nice uptick in clients asking us to create and imprint a QR code on their swag. Deals and special offers and data capture sites can now be offered as easy as 1-2-3.

With traditional media like radio, tv and even billboards, you only have an “educated hunch” of how many people have seen your advertisement. But when our clients pair a QR code with a tangible marketing “gift” the results become trackable and ROI can be measured – which is every marketers dream, right?

And oh, BTW, did you ever think about it, swag is the only form of marketing where the recipient of your marketing message says “Thank You”. Take that e-blasts and online advertising!

Next time you go to make a swag purchase, insist that your vendor add a QR code to the item you choose. Your gift will then be instantly trackable and your marketing engagement will be stronger than ever!


Want to know more about the QR codes on merch? Click the button below please and let’s start from there.

Mitch Silver

Nationally-recognized expert in targeted branded merch. I suggest quality, "stealable" swag for marketers to tell their brand stories & build emotional connections. Also, my DAD jokes could make you laugh. Or groan.

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